

Largest Solar Power in USA

Governor of Pennsylvania Edward G. Rendell has broken ground for USA’s fourth largest solar power facility. The facility likely to be completed by September or October this year will meet energy requirement of approximately 400 homes in the Bucks County of Pennsylvania.

The $20 million owned by Epuron Solar Center will feature 16,500 solar panels on a 16.5-acre tract of land adjacent to Waste Managements GROWS Landfill. Governor Rendell announced the project in August.

The solar plant will annually produce approximately 3,700 megawatt hours of power, which is enough to meet the energy requirements of approximately 400 homes. At this output, emission levels of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide that directly contribute to pollution and acid rain will be reduced by the equivalent of planting 33 acres of trees every year or taking more than 440 cars off the road each year.

Pennsylvania has committed to reaching a solar capacity of more than 860 megawatts by 2021.

With Exelon-Epuron solar center coming up with a 3-megawatt capacity project, further future investment in solar facilities are required in the state. One of the greatest impediments of setting up alternative energy facilities is the high cost of these projects compared with the conventional energy sources. Nevertheless, the Pennsylvanian Governor believes that once these solar energy facilities would be established it would help to bring down costs.


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